Sunday, 15 February 2009

Kaze no Stigma

I watched the subbed
24 episodes
1 season - but open for another
9/10 - because the ending was left at a bit of a "... erm, i guess... that's ok" moment
Themes: Supernatural, Comedy, Drama, Relationships

Kaze no Stima is about a boy called Kazuma who was born into the Kannagi family - a family which harnesses the power of fire. However Kazuma, grew up afraid of fire and could never use it which led to him being disowned by his father. The story begins when Kazuma returns home after being gone for 4 years and his family are suprised to learn that this hopeless boy had become a master of wind.

The main bulk of the story focuses on Kazuma's relationship with his (I hope distant) cousin, Ayano. It also looks at Kazuma's affection for his little brother Ren who is very powerful with his fire (more so than Ayano me thinks).

I thought this series was particularly good comapred to other animes following this same storyline because the main character was not an annoying brat (like Naruto) and he had already got his power before the series started (below is Kazuma when he uleashes his true power as a "contactor" which is always awsome)

Epi by Epi
Now here's an episode by episode run down; the episodes which I think are particularly good are coloured in red:

This episode is a good opening and introduces all the main chacters and their reltionships, and hints at the power thet Kazuma now posseses

Kazuma faces his father and his wind power is shown to be extremely powerful, also his relationship with his brother Ren is explored

Ren is kidnapped and Kazuma is determined to save him

Kazuma shows his contractor ability for the first time

Kazuma is once again shown to be powerful and calm when it comes to fighting

Pretty much continues on from episode 5 as Kazuma deals with a girl who in the last episode recieved power to defeat him

continues on from episode 6

8 - filler
The head of the Kannagi family tries to encourage Kazuma and Ayano's relationship by employing Kazuma to be her bodyguard as Ayano and her firends go and investigate a rumour of a ghost in their school

Ren gets a crush on a girl, Ayumi, he meets in a park, and rescues her when some guys in black suits try to take her by force (for unknown reasons)

Ren continues his attempt to save Ayumi, and something devious is shown to be happening in the house that Ayumi belongs to

The rescue continues, however Ren now has the help of Kazuma and Ayano

Emotional ending to this plotline

13 - filler
The head of Kannagi orders Ayano and Kazuma to go to a theme park

14 - would be a filler if not for the introduction of Katherine
Kazuma and Ayano, while out having a fancey meal meet Katherine McDonald - from an American clan of fire users. She orders Ayano to relinquish the title of "mightiest Enjutsushi" and thus a battle ensues

Katherine develops feelings for Kazuma and hires him to be her tutor for her upcoming fight with Ayano - Ayano is very jealous

16 - filler - but a funny one
Almost all the characters go to a spa, where Kazuma sees his dad for the first time since their fight in episode 2. Funny episode as Kazuma and his dad fight every time they see each other

17 - filler
Final plotline starts here. A school pervert is beaten up by the girls he was taking pictures of but then recieves some power of his own and reeps his revenge. Kazuma sees something which shocks him

Kazuma, Ayano, Katherine, Ren and other minor characters investigate the mysterious rise of average shool children with extraordinary powers. Ren is kidnapped after discovering the bad guys hideout

Kazuma and Ayano go and rescue Ren

Looks into a portion of Kazuma's 4 years away, and his relationship with the now (presumed) deceased Cui Ling, who seems to have been cloned/resurrected/brought back by the villain, as a girl called Lapis. Kazuma goes crazy

21 - filler
Kazuma is determined to find the villain: Burnheart, and is killing people to get answers - crazy for revenge. Also the pervert of episode 17 appears again as the most powerful person in Burnheart's evil plan

22 - filler
Kazuma continues his rampage and even Ren can't stop him. Both Ayano's friends are kidnapped by Burnheart

Ayano fights Kazuma to try and help Kazuma regain his old self

Final fight betwen Kazuma, Ayano and Ren against Burnheart and Lapis

(if you want a proper description of each episode then go to


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