Friday, 4 September 2009


I might evolve this post into a full review but for now I just want to say that this anime is definitely worth a watch. (the subbed version at least - the dubbed is awful)

It's about a boy named Thor as he has to try and survive on a planet full of maneating plants and tribes of hostile people. His twin brother Rye dies in the first/second episode and the story focuses on Thor's distress and the people he meets.

I finished it yesterday (then had to rush out for a friend's party) and wasn't sure what I thought of the ending, but now I have had a day to think about it I think that it is a very good anime with an action packed ending and quite a touching one too.

The whole series is 11 episodes long and it does seem very rushed but I definitely prefer that over the long-winded animes which just drag on through 100 or more episodes *cough* Inuyasha *cough*