Friday, 31 July 2009

Quick Claymore moment

Ep 8... OH MY GOD... Did you see that coming?... I didn't see that coming... if you haven't got to the episode yet... be warned...

not even half way through and it's shaping up to be an action packed, exciting thrill ride that's for sure. Watch it :)

*edit* Ok, beginning of episode 9... didn't see that coming either!... and that link should have been obvious!

Friday, 3 July 2009


I watched the dubbed
It's a movie, and there is no sequal, prequal or original manga
10/10 - it was insane but brilliant
Themes: Thriller, science fiction, horror, drama, god complexes, psychological

I watched this film as it was suggested by a friend who then bought it for my birthday. I just got around to watching it and, although at first it was just weird, it soon becomes a mix of fantasy and horror as the main character, Dr. Atsuko Chiba, delves further into the mystery.

It's about a new device called the DC mini which was created by a large genius. It allows the user to go into their own dreams. The problem arises when someone steals a headset and starts using everyone's dreams against them. The only person who seems to be able to stop this is Paprika, a red head with a lot of energy.

If you get the chance, and you're bored, and you want to watch a real mindwarping anime then go see this film!