I watched the subbed
24 episodes
2 seasons; 1 movie
6/10 - too lovey-dovey; not enough action
Themes: School/family/real life, Drama, Supernatural, Relationships, psychological
This was one of those girly series with that classic Love Hina storyline (boy meets girl, then another girl, then another girl then another... well you see where this is going) in the end there's always one girl who he gets with in the end and the other girls never seem to mind. This series has been remade a few times, one of which has a different love interest outcome to the original series.
I have only watched the first series from start to finish and all I can say is that: "it was OK". The main character is Tomoya, who has a very dull sad life until he meets Nagisa. In every episode I wanted something to happen between Tomoya and his father (who he hates). He keeps talking about how his father hurt his arm one drunken night but you don't ever get to see some proper scrapping between them. Their relationship with one another, like many other things is skirted over loosely so they have more time to expand the many relationships Tomoya has with the many girls. Unfortunately 24 episodes just wasn't enough to truly make a deep story, but when you're caught up in the moment you don't tend to notice until after; it will all be over and you'll suddenly have a lot of questions in your mind unanswered.
Here's a good rundown of most of the main characters:

That all said it was a tear jerking story, even more so in Clannad - an after story, and I admit to have cryed quite a bit when my favourite character died/moved on (and for this reason I will not be telling you who my favourite character is)
If you are a fan of the love hina genre but prefer more real life drama where action doesn't happen every few seeconds then this is the series for you, otherwise I suggest leaving it be.