Before christmas I had practically finished the whole series, but then tragedy struck, and at episode 95 I gave up on the series - and with only 9 episodes to go :(
"Why" you ask? Well let's just say that the previous 10 or so episodes take the viewer on a roller coaster ride of emotion as all our heroes get battered and then Allen plays a piano and everyone is fine again. >_<
YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME!!!! I don't want to go through the emotion of losing my favorite characters only to have them brough back to life by a weak plot twist! Don't get me wrong, I was very upset and angry when you killed off some of those characters but I made my peace with it and carried on watching wrapped in the emotion of loss and scared to know how Allen would finally win.
Suffice to say I have not finished the series. To be completely honest, I just can't be bothered. I have made up my own ending in my head where all the self sacrificing moments actually meant something and led to the defeat of the Millennium Earl. This, in my head, satisfies the characters and the world, and i couldn't care less how the anime decides to end it.
Maybe one day in the future I will sit down and watch the last 9 episodes, but don't hold your breath :P